2024 -Donation to the XTIT, AUTW Tribes of Tsarslip

Artist donation to Xtit, Autw for their Arts Day celebration at the Wsanecsc School Board in Tsarslip, Vancouver Island, to help raise funding for their community endeavors – June 2024.

It’s vital that we recognize, honor and assist in restoring the culture, languages, spirituality and community practices of the Indigenous as rightful  ambassadorship and homage to the earth. (*Please note the web font does not correctly allow the unique spelling features of their indigenous language at this time). 

2023 - The Zodiac Code / A Lecture

Free community lecture given by Kel Rae on her book at the Fairfield Community Association on the power of Art, the Kundalini, and the Zodiac Codex for health and healing.  

2023 kel rae featured on "lightways" show, UK

In 2023 Kel Rae was approached by Light Ways Astrology Show to present how the astrological archetypes exist as our emotional blueprint. How this blueprint exists as the energies of the archetypes which naturally emanate from our organs and why understanding this is important.

2022 - Astrological Lodge of London, UK

In 2022 The Astrological Lodge of London approached Kel Rae to be featured in their Annual Publication and later to give a presentation to their board members. 

In 2022  The Astrological Lodge of London asked Kel Rae to present to their non-profit organization. The description is below

 The focus of this information is to provide a new understanding in the vibratory mechanics of the human body and how frequency is naturally created by the the archetypes of the zodiac which also exist within the body and, how to use them to recreate wholeness (natural healing = balance) in the mind body.

Background: Astrology and medicine have had a long marriage. Hippocrates (born around 460 BC), Greek philosopher and physician, who is considered the father of medicine, stated, “A physician without a knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician.” Up until the eighteenth century the study of astrology and its relationship to the body was very much a part of a doctor’s training. In fact, even the Indo-Europeans and Chinese medicine men used astrology to eradicate illness by spirit balancing with an astrological chart made for mind/ body healing.

 Later, the art of balancing fell away and resurfaced as a field of study in the early 1900’s within Napoleon Hill’s publication Think and Grow Rich which spoke on how to deliberately use the mind to heal one’s body. Later in the 70’s, Neuro-linguistic programming (AKA: NLP is a tool for mind programming through the act of doing or speaking) emerged through Dr. Richard Bandler which was later endorsed by Anthony Robbins in the eighties. In 1980 Louise Hay published her New Thought book You Can Heal Your Life which became a world-wide success by reintroducing how the body reflects a mental lack as illness and how to use speech, such as affirmations, to heal the body.

 Today: This information reveals a methodology alongside body/ mind awareness in understanding how the body creates and stores emotional data related to the archetypes of the zodiac making it easier to used alongside NLP, CBT, and somatic practice to perform mind body healing. In other words, this presentation reveals how to balance the mind body through understanding organic vibrations, which are then mimicked through thoughts, words and deeds to restore balance to the mind body.

At some point the replay will post here for general public viewing

2020 Radio Interview with Due Clicks, New York, USA

In 2020 Kel Rae was approached by Due Clicks radio show to interview her ideas and experiences on the power of the mind and healing. This was an introductory on healing by deliberately engaging the mind. Later, she moves into somatic healing by using the archetypes which she claims represents our mental blueprint – or our psychological foundation. 

Click image to access the pod cast

2018 Castrovillari, Italy - Artist Donation

Donation to Castrovillari’s Library

Kel Rae was invited to the Castrovillari local Library Opening. The Library on Via Garibaldi, Castrovillari 82107 / June 2018 

*Image of the main center in Castrovillari, Italy. – Although all of Italy honors the divine feminine Castrovillari boasts more than forty churches in its vicinity to honor the Divine Mother.

2017 Exhibit in Central London, UK

Kel Rae was asked to exhibit for Filia Arts in central London, UK in Bloomsbury at the Institute of Education, October 2017 

Institute of Education, London UK

2016 artist retreat

2016 Artist Retreat North Yorkshire, UK

On retreat in 2016 with Filia Artists in Yorkshire county, UK

Retreat for Artists involved in the Feminism Display for 2017. Brainstorming, community and comradery for new and established artists. 

2014 Art Show, Oak Bay Public Library, BC

The “Spirit of the Great Mother” Art Show at the Greater Victoria Public Library, Oak Bay branch British Columbia.

The growing human spirit  nurtured and sustained by cosmic love-“

September 2014 at 1442 Monterey Ave., Oak Bay BC BC V8S 4V9

2012 Cedar Hill Arts Center, Victoria BC

Art show on the Divine Mother presented at the Cedar Hill Community Arts Center in August 2012

2011 Unitarian Church, Saanichton BC

Goddess Art Show at Victoria Unitarian Church
5575 West Saanich Road  Victoria 
BC Canada V9E 2G1
February 1st to March 1st, 2011
Web: http://www.victoriaunitarian.ca/

2010 Awakening Wellness Center, Victoria BC

Art Show on the Cosmic Mother along with lecture given at The Awakening Wellness Centre. 
847 Fisgard St., Victoria, BC  V8W 1R9

2009 Meditation Sabbatical, Cabo San Lucas, MX

On a deeper search into the self to know the Divine Mother, kel Rae moves into the Mexican desert to Retreat into meditation for an extended period of time. 

During this time she had paramount experiences that brought her into closer understanding to the divine nature of the cosmos and how it manifests in the human body.

Left: Mexico’s Divine Mother, The Lady of Guadalupe

2008 Microsoft Canada, Vancouver BC

Art display at Microsoft Canada Inc.
1100 -1111 West Georgia St., Vancouver 
BC V6E 4M3 Canada
Mixed Media Goddess Art, from April 28th – June 30, 2009

2007 Losina Fine Arts Gallery, San Diego CA

Losina Fine Arts Gallery 
3350 Sports Arena Blvd., Suite A 
San Diego, CA 92110  USA 
Web: http://www.losinaartcenter.com/

2006 La Jolla Elementary, SD CA - Art Donation

La Jolla Elementary School 7337 Girard Av. San Diego, CA 92037

2016 artist retreat

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