It's All About The Circle...
Everything circles – or spirals – to be more precise. Even the galaxy spirals around the black hole. This spiraling is the way of evolution and we (earth and all things on it) mimic a universal sequence of spiraling that is prevalent everywhere moving through and giving off the same universal frequencies which emanate from the stars to stimulate the growth of life.
The closest circle of stars that we take our energetic cues from is known as the ecliptic. The stars of ecliptic is sometimes referred to as the ‘Circle of the Heavens’ we know intimately as the zodiac. The term Zodiac means ‘Zoo” in ancient Greek and it refers to the forces that we must master in order to transcend or graduate from the earthly cycle. These forces have been tied to zoo animals in order to remember their energy types.
The physical zodiac is divided along the ecliptic into 12 equal parts (or “signs”) with each sign occupying 30° of celestial longitude. These signs roughly correspond to the astronomical constellations with the following modern names: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. These stars each emanate force which is mirrored deep into the human body. Understanding the cycle, its archetypes and a little bit about the human body can assist you in your healing practices.
An Ancient Codex
Reestablishing a connection between the stars and the organs of the human body through, art, research and random trials. This project involves utilizing the archetypal characteristics associated with each zodiac to positively change energy flow in the human body by addressing thoughts, words and actions. Randomized trials are done through online platforms addressing specific health conditions. Art may also be utilized as one of the action forms to bring about healing/ lack of resistance and move the individual towards body mind balance.
Program expectations are to widen awareness of our vibrational association with the zodiac, the stars of the ecliptic, whose vibrations create a foundational algorithm that acts as a blueprint to our emotional psyche. this emotional psyche has a corresponding effect (positive and negative) on the human body.
The zodiac is a code that can assist in rebalancing the body/ mind and this project will unveil the hands-on mechanics of how to use the archetypes to heal the body. Additional Texts or Reading are not necessary to understand the plot behind this research but previous knowledge of the Tropical Zodiac and its houses or archetypes are helpful. Suggested reading materials are You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay. Neuro-Linguistics by Richard Bandler and Quantum Medicine by Dr. Paul Yanick.
The visual art part of the program is painted by Kel Rae, who reveals the circle of zodiacs from an emotional perspective. Twelve, 5′ x 8′ versions of the emotional zodiac and their associated organs will be part of the artist’s meditative/ intuitive process in harmonizing both sides of the mind.
An Ancient Code, The Overview
2018 The Sacred Circle (of energy flow)
A Basic Example of The Zodiac Code
As A Healing Modality...
Please Support The Project
The aim of the project is to illuminate the life of the archetypes of the zodiac within and how they can influence the body through entrainment in ways that promote health and healing. The project utilizes the father/ mother archetypes. The father aspect as the creative male, linear mind, and how it combines with the female aspect of intuitive knowledge which unite to birth the archetypes. The female is associated with somatic practices such as clay work and free-form dance alongside the utilization of the mind and its creative thought to form resilience in the body mind and create a balance that eradicates inflammation.
We greatly appreciate your support for The Zodiac Code Project to re-establish the hidden knowledge behind the zodiac in creating health and well-being. Please enter your information in the fields below and help illuminate this ancient, lost system of healing.